Virtus Investment Partners

Virtus supports the Boys & Girls Club’s Black History Quiz Bowl
Virtus employees recently volunteered to be judges for the Boys & Girls Club of Hartford’s (BGCH) Black History Quiz Bowl.
More than 20 BGCH members participated in the Quiz Bowl, which focused on expanding cultural knowledge of African American history within American culture and supporting history curriculums provided by the schools that Boys & Girls Club members attend.
The Jeopardy style competition was a traditional round-robin style among five Hartford BGCH clubs with the Trinity College BGCH team taking first place. Some topics included African Americans in government, the civil rights movement, Connecticut figures, inventors, media worthy, and quotes.
The Quiz Bowl was part of our ongoing support for the Boys & Girls Club of Hartford, in conjunction with Virtus’ partnership with the Equity Collective, a diversity-driven collaboration between 27 wealth and asset management firms dedicated to educating, empowering, and developing the next generation of diverse leaders in the finance industry.
D&I at Virtus
We believe our value as a company derives from the talents and diversity of our employees, and we are committed to creating and maintaining an environment where every employee is treated with dignity and respect.
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We make a positive impact in our communities through a multi-faceted program that includes philanthropy, a matching gift program, and support for employee volunteerism, with a focus on education and support services for members of underserved groups.
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We encourage and enable employees to be active and engaged members of our communities by participating in sponsored programs and activities.
Opportunities for employees to directly support or participate in activities that help members of our communities in need.
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